30 Day No-Makeup Challenge

So, a while back I started a Facebook page called Fi’s 30 Day Challenge. It was strictly dedicated to young girls with low self esteem who needed a little help in building up their confidence. I based the challenge off of one I did myself a few years ago. It’s quite simple, really. Essentially, you force yourself to stop wearing makeup for a month.

I was inspired to take up this challenge by my then boyfriend, now husband. And also, by Alicia Keys, as at the time, I was watching the Voice and was inspired by her bare face on the show.

Now I know it sounds easy. It’s just makeup. Who cares? Like, there are people who feel just fine leaving the house without concealer or mascara or lipstick, right?


But for some of us, especially young women, we don’t feel secure enough to do so. It’s just too vulnerable and too difficult to let people see the raw us. And that’s okay. That’s why this challenge was created.

Below, I have attached a link to the video on my Facebook page. It gives a more detailed account of my personal challenge experience. If you would like to learn more, please click the link. And don’t forget to like and subscribe to THIS page, Fi’s Little Wonders.

Have a wonderful day!

Published by fi1632

There's lots to know but in a nutshell, I'm quite to the point, annoyingly emotionally aware and yearning to help those in need.

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